DTU Health Tech

Department of Health Technology

Integrative Systems Biology of the Cell Cycle

This site contains supplementary information and data sets from research publications by the cell cycle group at CBS.
To access the material, please visit the page devoted to each specific publication by clicking the links or pictures below:

Co-evolution of transcriptional and posttranslational cell cycle regulation
Lars Juhl Jensen, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Søren Brunak and Peer Bork
Nature, 443, 594-597, 2006. [PubMed]

The More the Merrier: Comparison and Integrative Analysis of Microarray Studies on Cell-Cycle-Regulated Genes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Samuel Marguerat, Thomas S. Jensen, Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Brian T. Wilhelm, Lars J. Jensen and Jurg Bahler
Yeast, 23(4),261-77, 2006. [PubMed]

New Weakly Expressed Cell Cycle Regulated Genes in Yeast
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Rasmus Wernersson, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Henrik Bjørn Nielsen, Anders Fausbøll, Peer Schmidt, Flemming Bryde Hansen, Steen Knudsen and Søren Brunak
Yeast, 22(15),1191-201, 2005 [PubMed]

Dynamic Complex Formation During the Yeast Cell Cycle
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Lars Juhl Jensen, Søren Brunak and Peer Bork
Science, 307 (5710), 724-727, 2005 [PubMed]

Comparison of Computational Methods for the Identification of Cell Cycle Regulated Genes
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Lars Juhl Jensen, Anders Fausbøll, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Peer Bork and Søren Brunak
Bioinformatics, 21(7), 1164-1171, 2005 (Epub Oct 2004) [PubMed]

Protein Feature Based Identification of Cell Cycle Regulated Proteins in Yeast
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Lars Juhl Jensen and Søren Brunak
Journal of Molecular Biology, 239(4), 663-674, 2003 [PubMed]

Correspondance: Lars Juhl Jensen