DTU Health Tech

Department of Health Technology

This site contains supplementary information and data sets from the paper

Protein Feature Based Identification of Cell Cycle Regulated Proteins in Yeast
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Lars Juhl Jensen, and Søren Brunak
Journal of Molecular Biology, 329(4), 663-674, 2003 [PubMed]

Supplementary Information

Supplementary information in [ PDF format ].

Neural network training sets

The set of 97 periodic 556 non-periodic proteins (genes) used to train the neural networks.
[ Excel format ]
[ Tab format ]

Top scoring predictions

The 211 highest scoring proteins from the predictions.
[ Excel format ]
[ Tab format ]

Proteome-wide predictions

Predictions on all proteins of S. cerevisiae.
[ Excel format ]
[ Tab format ]


Figure 1 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]
Figure 2 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]
Figure 3 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]
Figure 4 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]
Figure 5 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]
Figure 6 [ JPG format ] [ TIF format ]

Note: Gene descriptions taken from the SGD database, 2. december 2002.
Correspondance: Ulrik Nicolai de Lichtenberg