DTU Health Tech

Department of Health Technology

This site contains supplementary information for the paper

The More the Merrier: Comparison and Integrative Analysis of Microarray Studies on Cell-Cycle-Regulated Genes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Samuel Marguerat, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Brian T. Wilhelm, Lars Juhl Jensen and Jürg Bähler
Yeast, 23(4):261-77, 2006.

Ranked list of periodic genes with peak times

Final results of our periodicity analysis. Contains combined rank and peaktime, as well as peak times in individual experiments. The format is: Gene Id, rank, peak(combined), peak(Rustici Cdc25-1), peak(Rustici Cdc25-2), peak(Rustici Elutriation-1), peak(Rustici Elutriation-2), peak(Rustici Elutriation-3), peak(Peng Cdc25), peak(Peng Elutriation), peak(Oliva Cdc25), peak(Oliva Elutriation-1), peak(Oliva Elutriation-2), peak error
[ Top 500 ] [ All genes ]

Benchmark sets

[ B1 - from small scale experiments ]
[ B2 - from Chromatin IP ]
[ B3 - from genetic pertubations ]

Results for single experiments

The format is: Gene Id, Rank, Score, p-value for periodicity, and p-value for regulation.
Rustici Cdc25-1 : [ Tab ]
Rustici Cdc25-2 : [ Tab ]
Rustici Elutriation-1 : [ Tab ]
Rustici Elutriation-2 : [ Tab ]
Rustici Elutriation-3 : [ Tab ]
Oliva Cdc25 : [ Tab ]
Oliva Elutriation-1 : [ Tab ]
Oliva Elutriation-2 : [ Tab ]
Peng Cdc25 : [ Tab ]
Peng Elutriation : [ Tab ]

Supplementary figures

Supplementary figures: [ Pdf format ]

Supplementary information

Supplementary information: [ Pdf format ]
Correspondance: Thomas Skøt Jensen