DTU Health Tech

Department of Health Technology

This site contains supplementary information for the paper

Co-evolution of transcriptional and posttranslational cell cycle regulation
Lars Juhl Jensen, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Søren Brunak and Peer Bork
Nature, 443, 594-597, 2006.

Ranked list of periodic genes with peak times

H. sapiens
[ Top 600 ]

S. cerevisiae
[ Top 600 ]

S. pombe
[ Top 500 ]

A. thaliana
[ Top 400 ]

Benchmark sets

H. sapiens
[ B1 - from small scale experiments ]
[ B2 - E2F targets ]

S. cerevisie
[ B1 - from small scale experiments ]
[ B2 - from Chromatin IP ]
[ B3 - from MIPS "cell cycle" ]

[ B1 - from small scale experiments ]
[ B2 - from Chromatin IP ]
[ B3 - from genetic pertubations ]

A. thaliana
[ B1 - core cell cycle]
[ B2 - E2F targets ]

Protein complex curation

The curation of protein complexes
In excel format [ Excel ]

Groups of orthologues proteins

Groups of orthologues proteins. Each row in the table corresponds to an orthologous group. Groups can contain multiple members from each species
In flat file [ Txt ]
In html [ html ]

Supplementary information

Supplementary information: [ Pdf format ]

CORRESPONDENCE: Thomas Skøt Jensen