DTU Health Tech

Department of Health Technology

This site contains supplementary information and data sets from the paper

Comparison of Computational Methods for the Identification of Cell Cycle Regulated Genes
Ulrik de Lichtenberg, Lars Juhl Jensen, Anders Fausbøll, Thomas Skøt Jensen, Peer Bork and Søren Brunak
Bioinformatics, 2005 (advance online access) [PubMed]

Benchmarked Methods
Ranked or unranked lists of genes identified by each method on each data set.

Lists Alpha Cdc15 Cdc28 All data
Cho et al., 1998 - - [original] -
Spellman et al., 1998 - - - [download]
Zhao et al., 2001 [download] [download] [original] [in least two]
Johansson et al., 2003 [download] [download] [original] [download]
Luan et al., 2004 [download] [download] [original] [in least one]
[in least two]
Lu et al., 2004 - - - [download]
de Lichtenberg et al., 2004 (regulation alone) [download] [download] [original] [original]
de Lichtenberg et al., 2004 (periodicity alone) [download] [download] [original] [original]
de Lichtenberg et al., 2004 (regulation/periodicity combi) [download] [download] [original]

Please note:
  •  for Cdc28 we performed periodicity analyses for both the original and the renormalized cdc28 data set from Cho et al., 1998.
  •  The combined analysis of Zhao et al. and Luan et al. were in the form of unranked lists of genes included above a certain threshold in at least one or two experiments.
  • Correspondance: Ulrik Nicolai de Lichtenberg